Blogs and Articles from Gary Vierheller


Blogs from Gary Vierheller

99.996%. That is the percentage of DNA that all humans on this planet share. 99.996%! It is true that the .004% makes each person unique and that uniqueness is important as each of us have our own exclusive perspectives on life. One idea can trigger creativity that leads to innovativeness and inventiveness.

At the same time, we are connected in an overwhelming number of ways, and this is very true during this time of concern for the coronavirus pandemic. We all share the same environment, breath the same air, and every person needs food, water and sleep. Viruses respect no country boundaries, nationalities or politics. Viruses simply infect humans. We humans learn seemingly by crisis, and this time is an excellent chance to reach across what divides us, share scientific data, marshal our combined forces/energies/effforts to, together, successful face and meet this challenge.

Enough pointing fingers, placing blame and finding fault. We will have plenty of time to do that after this crisis passes. The time is now to act. Stay home. Self isolate. Avoid crowds. Check on the elderly. Protect the young. Educate the youth. There is so much that needs be done. Someone much wiser than me told me, “If you want to give your best, you must be at your best.” So take care of yourself so you can help another. We actually are all in this crisis, and hopefully we can, as a species, raise up and solve this.

