Blogs and Articles from Third Way Forum Membrs

Aug 25, 2022

Discussion#1 How or if we should draw a line between our public & private life in today’s Work/Life Integration age.

Blogs from The Third Way Working Group

- People have different values, preferences and motivation activation switches when it comes to work. Some are better off with work/life separation by just balancing the two while others do better with work/life integration. Companies and societies should accommodate different needs of different people and help them stay motivated both at work and life.

- Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to work/life balance or integration.

- The challenge is that so many people are not in the ideal state of work/life balance or integration and suffering. They feel that there are still many uncontrollable factors at work and those work-related things bother them and are affecting their private life.

- Even if they want to separate work from life, the work issues are spiling over into life and makes separation very difficult. For those who want to integrate their work and life, it also gets difficult for them to stay positive and passionate about work when the work conditions are getting tougher with more workload etc.

- Therefore, individuals should first clarify what is the ideal situation of their work/life balance or integration, then find the gap from the current situation. Then they can find possible solutions to fill the gap, to get more control over work and get closer to the ideal situation.

